If you want to predict how successful your STO, maintenance events or capital projects will be, look at the software you’re using to execute them. Nothing will have as big of an impact on the efficiency of your event as your software of choice.
Does Your STO Software Have These Capabilities?
Configurable to your phase gate solution
Owner-defined dashboards and KPIs
Varying user interfaces for workstreams
Real-time schedule
Multiple forecast models
Do You Run Into These Issues?
Inability to transform conceptual tasks into actionable steps
Lack of visibility into key data
Questions about the status, quantity or location of your orders
Delayed communication of barriers during execution
Inaccurate financial predictions
If the answer was “no” to any of the capabilities or “yes” to any of the issues, we want you to know that there are better options out there. We created STOlogix to be the all-in-one solution for planning and executing a STO event. With a singular portal that links to all available products and frustration-free packaging, STOlogix is easy to use and has a gentle learning curve.
Features You Could Be Missing Out On
Here are a few features that we specifically built into our software platform because they have proven effective and useful throughout our decades of industry experience:STOlogix removes the need for complex, multi-software planning and transforms the process via a single software solution. With scores of successful STO events in our DNA, we are prepared to take on your challenges as an event management platform that makes a difference. It’s simple: STO-specific challenges demand STO-specific solutions. You don’t have to stick with the status quo, putting your whole operation at stake. If you’re ready to switch to the most comprehensive solution on the market, choose STOlogix.