Right Tools
At KAP, we know that each of our clients is different—their needs are different, their specifications are different, and their projects are different—and we operate accordingly. We’ve curated an extensive toolbox configurable for your needs.
Our team has worked in this industry for decades. We’ve seen best practices change time and again, but the basics have remained the same. Based on our years of experience, we know how to manage a STO event—staying true to the foundational principles of an execution, and customize the details to each and every project we work on. We’ll tailor what we’ve come to learn are the best tools and techniques to fit your project and achieve success at your plant.
If you’re in need of maximum efficiency and productivity, faster assimilation of contract workers into your organization, and improved product quality for better execution of STO events and capital projects, look no further. KAP can help. From planning and scheduling to actually executing a turnaround, we have the right tools that support your STO and capital project needs. Learn more about each of them below.